FFFM | Prior Authorization Reform Bill Returns
The Academy’s advocacy for administrative simplification kicks into another gear this summer with the reintroduction of the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act: a widely supported, bipartisan bill that would finally rein in prior authorization in Medicare Advantage plans.
In this episode, AAFP Vice President of Government Relations David Tully talks about this legislation with Peggy Tighe of the Regulatory Relief Coalition, a powerful bloc of national physician specialty organizations, including the AAFP, advocating to reduce administrative burdens in Medicare. Their conversation explains what the bill does, why it’s important and what Academy members can do to help it pass.
“This issue is something you guys know cold,” Tighe says of AAFP members and their knowledge of prior authorization’s burden and their unique ability to advocate for its reform. “You know how to talk about this. It's what you live with.”
Resources related to this episode include:
- More about the CMS rulemaking on prior authorization — a win for the Academy — mentioned in this episode.
- For AAFP members: Add your voice to a new Speak Out campaign to pass the Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act.
- Take back your time: Find tools and practice tips on the AAFP’s administrative simplification resource page.
- Prior authorization is a top contributor to the complexities fueling physician burnout. The AAFP’s Physician Well-being page offers resources to support family physicians.
Topics by Timestamp
- 00:00 Welcome
- 00:15 Reintroduced legislation to combat prior authorization
- 01:24 Introducing Peggy Tighe, of the Regulatory Relief Coalition
- 02:00 The power of collective advocacy
- 03:50 What’s different about the Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act this time
- 07:07 Why is the bill even more popular now and more likely to pass?
- 08:20 Getting to the finish line, including potential obstacles
- 12:53 What AAFP members can do to pass this bill
- 15:20 Closing remarks
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